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[{numberWithCommas(companies_count)}] companies matching your criteria

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Connect with millions of Chinese companies

Browse Octocheck database and access to more than 5 millions companies and than 70 000 goods and services.

Powerful search engine

With our search engine, find Chinese companies by name or by activities. So far we have more than 70,000 products and services offered by the 5 millions companies recorded in our database. From grain to lipsticks, you will find prospect that meet your requirements.

Use filters to narrow your results and create your own prospection list.

Comprehensive information

You will find comprehensive and accurate information on each company in our database to help you to find new clients or suppliers in China.

What you will find on each company:

  • Registration information
  • Field of activity and company description
  • Identity of executives
  • Contact information
  • Location
  • Financial Risk assesment

In addition, our cutting edge algorithms will show you similar companies ad suggest new prospects.

Become a premium members to unlock more possibilities

By being a premium member you will get access to many email address and phone numbers of companies you want to reach.

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Octocheck, a service developped by Octobot Consulting

Octocheck is developed by Octobot Consulting, a French consultancy specialized in China. The firm addresses various situations for companies that work with/in China: competitive intelligence and analysis, due diligence, strategic and legal information watch, intellectual property protection, etc. Thanks to our homegrown algorithms, we get access to large amounts of reliable data which help us offer precise and value-added answers to our clients.